Aug 10, 2021
Often I’m asked – ‘Where do I get my energy from and how do I cram so much into my day?’
As a working parent, I know, like many out there it’s hard to find the time to juggle it all. It’s important to find time in your day that’s just for you. I like to describe it as ‘filling up my cup’.
For me, this involves waking up at 5:30 am to meet my local running group ProSport Health & Fitness, led by Tim Hazell, which has been instrumental in ensuring I get my ‘me time’ each day, and has also allowed me to connect with like-minded people (some also in the property industry) whilst getting my body moving!
It’s important, particularly as a working parent to find the time to get social, get active, and prioritise yourself.
Do you do anything similar?